My Sensitivity: My Superpower


My journey with MECFS started long before my first official crash in 2018, and can be attributed to so many stressful primers before it.

But if I had to name one thing that paved the way for MECFS to take hold, I would have to say, it was God-given, high sensitivity to life. 

Since I was very young, I had the sense that I did not experience the world in a "normal" way. I was a tiny person with enormous feelings. The world overwhelmed, fascinated, thrilled me and broke my heart with its beauty every, single day.

I understand now that this immense sensitivity is my superpower. However, it is also my Achilles heel.

Managed properly, I can do and be amazing things in this world; offering a unique gift that is radiant in splendor when shared. 

Mismanaged, and there will be personal disaster; sickness, and all around calamity. 

Like most people in life,  I learned this the hard way.


Until recently, I never knew how to care for my superpower. 

Without the tools, I experienced at young age,  great anxiety and fear about the world around me. Nightmares. OCD. A binge eating disorder. An easily wounded heart. 

This sensitivity made me an easy target for merciless bullying as a child, which then made me ripe for a toxic, abusive relationship in high school and college. 

This sensitivity caused my nervous system to be on high alert all my life, which constantly suppressed my immune system. Looking back now, I experienced fatigue as early as my teens, and it's rare to find a picture of me as a kid without a tissue in hand. I was always getting sick. 

This sensitivity, combined with constant peer rejection, made me into a people pleaser, an over-achiever, and a hyper-independent human being. It made me swallow my truth to appease my family and friends. It made me resentful and melancholy. It made me bury rage. It made me choose terrible 'friends'. It made me accept scraps of love from anyone who would throw them at my feet. I'd gobble them up, and call it a feast. 


But it wasn't all bad. This sensitivity also made me an incredible artist, a wonderful story-teller, a poet and composer, and an endlessly curious, open-hearted soul, who is capable of giving life to other's experiences in word and song. It made me wonderfully extroverted. It made me intoxicated by nature, language and connecting with people. It made me wander the world solo, visiting almost 30 countries alone; growing, changing and snuffing out my learned ignorance. It made me someone people loved to talk to; to vent to, to lean on. 

It gave me the ability to experience tremendously intense joys and very dark sorrows. It made me wonderfully alive. 

Best of all, this sensitivity, mixed with a gift for language, and an absolute love of performing on stage, created within me, a voice. 

It took me nearly half a lifetime to find it; but once I did, it was like stepping into a dress that was custom made for me. Now, I love the sound of my voice reverberating through theaters and stages, on podcasts and in videos. I love to hear how unwavering it is now; how strong, how grounded. I love to hear it speak the truth.

For when we speak truth, we not only liberate ourselves, we liberate others. I hope my truth, the reality of my life before, during and after MECFS, helps liberate you to embrace the darkest, most forgotten parts of yourself, that voice inside, that wants to be heard; wants to be free. 

- Anj 

Watch My Recovery Story! 

In this interview with Raelan Agle, I share my journey with MECFS; the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, and most of all, the redemption. 

After a lifetime of trauma, heartache and distress, I had my first crash in 2018, which led to pushing and crashing until 2021, when a severe crash left me both neurologically and physically crippled. This began my arduous recovery. It was two years until I was fully well. 

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Life Beyond MECFS


As an artist, being creative was not only a huge aspect of my recovery, but is one of the ways I remain healthy.

When I am on stage, I experience a mind/body integration and wholeness that I have yet to experience anywhere else.

I am completely enamored with the written word, and feel blessed to be able to breathe life with my pen onto paper, and birth poetry and stories into the world.

It is my joy to capture the human experience through art, to convey human emotion through language and song, and by doing so, help to make everyone feel a little more seen in the process.

Health Restored 

With my health restored, I am now living my dreams of nomadically traveling the world! When in the USA, I live in my yellow, 1974 Airstream, travel-trailer, called "Joybug". I converted the trailer myself with over 1,000 hours of labor, and her 7 year restoration journey has paralleled my own recovery journey from MECFS. Everywhere I go, I aim to inspire those I meet to step into their authenticity, and live with unshakeable joy.

The Heart of it all: Connection

Whether its coaching those who are still struggling with MECFS, being the key-note speaker at a conference, writing and publishing books or songs, or performing my poetry and music, at the heart of it all is CONNECTION.

Connection is the source of all joy. That’s why I created The Edison Effect; for the same reason I create anything; to experience and facilitate connection with others. 

Does my story resonate? 


Resonance is very important! If you think my program may be right for you, check out the three plans available for study. 

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