Meditations For Recovery 

Learn how to build awareness, reconnect mind/body, restore sleep, embrace PEM and reduce pain. 


Meditation for Crash (Wobble)  

A guided meditation for PEM to promote recovery

  • Radical self-love
  • Somatic Tracking
  • Nervous System Regulation
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Guided Mindfulness Meditation Series

Build awareness as the foundation of recovery with this 3 part series. 

  • learn to watch your symptoms without reaction 
  • learn to slow your internal speed
  • bypass sympathetic overdrive 
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Meeting Your Pain 

Turn towards pain instead of away from it and begin to reduce it. 

  • Reverse Central Sensitization 
  • Explore Pain Without Emotion
  • Reduce arousal by removing resistance 
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The Rhythm of Sleep 

Reconnect to the natural rhythm of your body to help you ease into sleep.

  • explore breath-work 
  • learn to slow your internal speed
  • bypass sympathetic overdrive 
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Regulating Resource Toolbox 

Explore regulating resources as a way of retraining your ANS all day long.  

  • 10 MP3 Resources
  • Use whenever feeling "activated" 
  • Repetition improves results 
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